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Texas Dot Uses Funny Super Bowl Ad To Prevent Dwi-houston Dwi Lawyers

Texas DWI lawyers braced for Super Bowl Sunday, one of the biggest drinking days of the calendar. The Texas Department of Transportation too put to rest its traditional approach to preventing DUI crashes, and used humor to get young men – the traditional Super Bowl audience – to drive sober or not drive at all.

The DOT produced a TV spot that features a bunch of “high” men chanting “Will take a cab or ride in a car, with a friend who’s S-O-B-E-R”. It’s a different approach to the typical DWI public service announcement spots that show victims of drunk driving crashes. The Texas DOT conducted enough research to show that the traditional messages were not reaching men between the ages of 18 and 34, who are frequently arrested for DWI on Super Bowl night. In fact, these Super Bowl viewers tend to simply zone out during the PSA, ensuring that the message never reached those it was intended to.
Holiday DWI enforcement can sometimes seem draconian.  Often, as Houston DWI lawyers see, these are hurriedly put together operations with breathalyzers that are malfunctioning, tests that are rushed through, and with more of a focus on reaching or crossing the previous year’s targets.

The best thing would be for you to avoid drinking and driving.  If you have any doubts about whether you are legally intoxicated, ask a friend to drive you home, or hire a cab.

If you have been charged with a DWI, intoxicated assault or intoxicated manslaughter, it is important that you contact an experienced DWI lawyer TODAY.  You only have 15 days to request a hearing through DPS to save your drivers license.  Contact the DWI lawyers at The Kahn Law Firm at 713-226-9900 for a free confidential consultation.

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