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Texas Workers’ Compensation For Construction Accidents That Result In Injury (Part A)

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When you work on construction sites for a living, you are surrounded by risks and dangers. You work in unstable conditions around powerful tools and often at high heights. The threats are numerous – and real. If you are injured in on-the-job construction accidents, you could have serious repercussions, including broken bones, severe head injuries and even death. If you suffered serious injuries in Texas, Workers’ Compensation may be pursued. A Houston injury lawyer at the Kahn Law Firm can evaluate your case and determine your legal options.

The injuries you may suffer are not only painful, but they also can be life-altering. With a severe injury, you can expect endless medical bills, countless days of lost work and huge financial stress on you and your family. That is why, if you are injured in on-the-job or construction accidents, it is important to learn about your rights.

Overview of Texas Workers Compensation

Workers’ Compensation is a type of state-governed insurance program that provides payment for employees who are injured on the job. It could include payment for medical bills and lost wages, in the event that the injured employee cannot continue working.

There are 4 types of Workers’ Compensation benefits:

  • Medical – These benefits pay for the medical bills and costs of your work-related injuries;
  • Income – These benefits reimburse you for a portion of the wages you lose by being injured or unable to attend work;
  • Burial – These benefits pay for the funeral and burial expenses of someone killed in a work-related accident; and
  • Death – In the event someone is killed on the job, these benefits pay lost income to the surviving family.

Keep in mind that not all Texas employers provide Workers’ Comp insurance because it is a choice for many. In order to file for a claim for on-the-job injuries, the company you work for must carry the insurance option.

If you need help proving your injury, unsafe working conditions that led to your accident or navigating the complicated process of filing a claim, call a Houston injury lawyer from the Kahn Law Firm at 713-999-6549 or toll-free at 1-844-301-KAHN.

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