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Can You Challenge DWI Charges in Texas if Your Breathalyzer Test Was Inaccurate?

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How Does a Texas Law Enforcement Breathalyzer Device Work?

A breathalyzer device measures an individual’s blood alcohol content, which gives a rough estimate of that person’s intoxication by calculating the percentage of alcohol in their bloodstream. In the majority of states across the country, including Texas, the legal blood alcohol content limit is 0.08%. Anyone with a higher than 0.08% BAC will likely face DWI charges. (In cases where the BAC level is not at or above 0.08% but the law enforcement officer still believes that the motorist is intoxicated enough to impair their ability to drive, the driver may still face a DWI charge.)

Drivers with BAC levels between 0.6% and 0.10% generally have lower inhibitions, are more relaxed, have reduced coordination, slower reaction times, and are less alert. Those with BAC levels between 0.11% and 0.20% may exhibit mania, dramatic shifts in mood, and inappropriate behavior. Those with BAC above 0.21% may become aggressive, depressed, or exhibit impaired reasoning and blurred vision.

If you have been stopped by a police officer and given a breathalyzer test, the results could be used to determine your guilt or innocence. However, several factors can impact the test, resulting in inaccurate readings.

Are Breathalyzer Tests Considered Accurate and Reliable?

Breath tests and other field sobriety tests, which include blood tests, can result in DWI arrests or convictions. However, even if the test was taken and ultimately showed a high blood alcohol content for the motorist, law enforcement still must meet a certain burden of proof to get a conviction, as field and sobriety tests are not always considered accurate. Chemical tests can display false positive results, opening the door for a criminal defense attorney to challenge the accuracy of the test results.

Among the first ways to challenge a DWI offense is to question the reliability of the breathalyzer test results. Suppose criminal lawyers can raise doubt about the evidence. In that case, a judge may rule that a breathalyzer testing device was not scientifically reliable to earn a conviction for the prosecutors.

A breath test is not foolproof. Your DWI defense attorney will consider many options for challenging the breath test results to clear your name and either reduce or dismiss the charges against you.

What Can Cause Inaccuracies in Breath Tests?

As with any other technology or machinery, breathalyzer tests are imperfect. And sometimes, even when the device is otherwise reliable, those administering the tests may not be adequately trained.

Common causes for inaccurate breathalyzer tests include the following:

  • Improper machine calibration
  • Incorrect input of the defendant’s weight
  • Women typically have less of the enzyme that metabolizes alcohol, which can result in higher BAC readings
  • Individuals with higher body fat typically have higher BAC because fat does not absorb alcohol
  • Prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications can affect breathalyzer test results
  • Food in the stomach slows the absorption of alcohol, so whether the individual ate before drinking could affect BAC
  • Motorists on strict keto diets may have false BAC readings
  • Drivers with diabetes produce acetone, which can be detected as alcohol by some breath tests
  • High humidity can lead to inaccurate readings
  • Those with acid reflux conditions can have falsely high BAC readings because their condition causes alcohol from the stomach to regurgitate into their mouths
  • The law enforcement officer administering the breathalyzer testing device has not gone through proper training to use the device, thus rendering any results unreliable
  • police procedure violations
  • Other medical conditions
  • Mouth alcohol caused by burping, drinking shortly before the test, or even using mouthwash
  • User error can result in inaccurate readings

Can You Challenge Breathalyzer Test Results in a DWI Case?

If the evidence against you, including any breath test results, can be effectively challenged or if human error can be proven, it is possible to get DWI charges reduced or dismissed entirely. The probability of your charges being dismissed or reduced dramatically increases when defendants retain professional legal representation from experienced DWI attorneys.

Law enforcement officers must follow specific procedures when administering a breathalyzer test to motorists. If these steps were not carefully followed, you and your criminal lawyer can challenge the breathalyzer test results in court.

Our Texas law firm has years of experience representing clients in complex DWI cases, and we would be proud to represent your interests in pursuit of the most satisfactory outcome for your case. To learn more about our legal services, don’t hesitate to contact our law office to schedule your free consultation today.

What Are Potential Legal Strategies for Challenging DWI Breath Test Results in TX?

When challenging breathalyzer test evidence, your criminal attorneys may consider several potential legal defense strategies.

These include the following:

  • Challenge whether police officers conducted proper procedures during the administration of the breath test
  • Raise questions about whether the breathalyzer device was calibrated correctly, thus presenting the chance to argue that test results were inaccurate
  • Dispute the accuracy of the test results by raising evidence of medical conditions, mouth alcohol, strict diets, or other factors
  • Present reasonable doubt about whether the breathalyzer results were accurate
  • Established that there was a lack of probable cause to take a breathalyzer test or even to stop the motorist on the road
  • Present evidence that the law enforcement officers lacked proper training or qualifications to administer the test
  • Show that there was too much time that had elapsed between the time that you drank, the time that you drove, and the time that the breath sample was taken
  • Employ the expertise of toxicologists to challenge the accuracy of breathalyzer results

Can You Refuse to Take a Breathalyzer Test in Texas?

Under Texas’s implied consent laws, drivers implicitly agree to submit to sobriety field tests, including breathalyzer tests. Refusing to take a breath test can result in severe consequences, sometimes even harsher than those if the driver failed a breath test.

In a Texas court, refusal to take a breathalyzer test could be used as evidence of guilt. Prosecutors may argue that opting out of the test indicates an awareness of intoxication.

So, while you have the right to refuse a breathalyzer test, doing so could be met with harsh consequences, including an automatic driver’s license suspension.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Experienced DWI Attorneys Today

If you are facing DWI charges, you must seek the legal counsel of experienced Texas DWI lawyers immediately.

While the prosecution may use a breathalyzer test to prove guilt and secure a conviction, these tests are not always accurate. They can be challenged in a court of law. However, attempting this without legal counsel in your corner is not recommended.

Our legal team has extensive experience representing clients in DWI cases, including those with faulty or inaccurate breathalyzer devices. Contact our law office to discuss your case in a free evaluation today.

You can call our law firm to schedule your free consultation at 713-999-6549.

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